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About Carol

I am a photographer who is passionate about capturing the beauty of this planet and all its people.  My own photography has inspired me to look at the world with fresh eyes, and I hope that my photos will help you to do the same

In my photography I explore the world and I explore its beauty using different creative techniques. I sometimes do things a bit different—create abstracts, use movement, process boldly, appreciate detail, use multiple exposures, and more. I like to have fun.

But I also have a serious side in my work.

 I believe strongly in the beauty of both the natural world and mankind’s ingenuity.

From ancient ruins to modern skyscrapers, these manmade wonders demonstrate mankind’s skills and achievements. 

Even more important than the built environment are the people, cultures, traditions and histories surrounding these.  The more I travel, the more I appreciate both our similarities and differences as humans sharing this planet.

 As I visit different landscapes and ecosystems, I am struck by the sheer variety of everything our planet has to offer.  I am in awe of the intricacies of nature and how finely balanced it is.

 My background in public policy and development studies has taught me about the challenges that arise when mankind and nature seem to be at odds with one another.  We need to find a way to protect our planet and our people.


 What is the relationship between geography and the livelihood of an area’s inhabitants?

 What are the developmental policies that have resulted in natural resource usage and ways of day-to-day living?

 How is climate change impacting this landscape/ environment/culture?

These are some of questions that I explore through my photography.  

Through my lens, I hope you can begin to see the brilliance and vulnerabilities of the natural and manmade world.  And just maybe, we may want to do more to protect it.

Come and join me as I …..

            wonder through the lens…

Carol Hamcke-Onstwedder


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